To avoid that, the allen bradley variable frequency drive has a function that you can set an internal frequency. Whenever you start the drive, it will run at in that frequency. So fo this internal frequency, you need to change the parameter of speed frequency. Which is p108 parameter number. This p108 parameter is in the value of "0" by default and we have to change it to "1".
- Go to p108, and set the value "1" there. And go back.
- So now we have to put internal frequency, which is defined by "a409". A is for advance parameter, alright. Go to "a409" and by default the value is "60" right?
- Change that frequency to whatever you want and save.
- No when you start the drive "run", it will go to 60 (frequency, which you have set).
- Now the frequency will not be controlled by the drive pod.
This is internal frequency, whenever you run the drive, it will go till the value of frequency you have set. That is the fix frequency and you can change this frequency about your need or requirement. This is all about internal frequency and how you can do setting of internal frequency.
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