Now some of the names that we may choose for variables declaration may not be the most readable, which is why many programmers have adopted certain naming guidelines or conventions. So naming conventions are not specifically required when defining our own unique names, but they can make code easier to read.
For example, we can have a variable name with multiple words but, because we cannot use spaces inside our variable name. We might want a way to separate each word to make the name easier to read, for that it is commonly accepted to use the convention known as "camelback" notation meaning, the first letter of the first word will be lowercase, while the first letter of each subsequent word will be capitalized with no space between each word.
So you can see "bluepowerled", "blue" the first word is in lowecase and than the next word "power" it upper case (for the first letter !) and so one, one thing to keep in mind is that extremely long names start to become hard to type over and over. Please watch this video below for better understanding.
How To Use Variable Declaration Naming Convention in Arduino Programming
December 10, 2018
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