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How To Use WinProladder Software? Basic & Important Functions of WinProladder.

This is very important task to learn the basic functions of winproladder software Fatek PLC Programming.  so as we have opened our new project as shown below. in this screen, there are something that we should know before creating a new project in winproladder software.

Here, we will start learning from our left side window in which there are some options for example system configuration ladder diagram table and comment status page and input output numbering. so let's start learning step by step. When you will click on system configuration a list of three or more option will open,  as shown in the figure below.  

IOs Configuration

When you will double click on IO configuration, a new popup will open. The purpose of this IO configuration option is to configure is the inputs and outputs of the PLC hardware you have.  for example I want to assign my two inputs to the 26 inputs terminal of the PLC let's say I want use the high speed counter for controlling my motor speed so I will automatically select  two inputs of the PLC I have.  I can assign my inputs and outputs to the fixed value from here this IO configuration option we will discuss about this how to use this option later, So just click on ok and it will be closed.

Alright, the next option we have is memory allocation,  double click on memory allocation options and new POP UP will appear with the lot of information about the memories that we will use in winproladder software and Fatek PLC Programming project

Memory Allocation

We have not discuss about how many type of memories we have and what retentive and what not returned if memories are so this all information we will be discussing letter when we will discuss about the memories and the types of memories. We can only get ideas about how many type of retentive coils total we have,  total how many memories we can use in our Fatek PLC Programming project. How much we have written test memories and how much we have not enough memory is there also some counter details for example retentive 16 bit counter total we have 140 counters we can use in our PLC program .

In this memory allocation popup box we can also know that how much time as we can use in our project there are three types of timers we will discuss more about timers later but there are three types of timers in PLC program,  here in winproladder software.  0.01 seconds timers,  0.1 2nd timers,  and one second timers. 

When you will click on "OK" button and new popup will appear on your screen as like below.  in this picture below you can see the complete details of inputs outputs internal release memory is a special release timers counters and registers and other functions and components that you can use in your Fatek PLC program and winproladder software.

Ladder Diagram

Now in the ladder diagram option when you will double click on this option to main sab options will open wide the first one will be main program and the second one will be subprogram.

 this is indicating that main program file and sub program files how we can set different sections of the program.  when we will use this  options. For example we have a very big program to create in our Fatek PLC and winproladder software and we have different sections or modules in the hardware side of our PLC and IO sections so we can distribute the sections in our program for better understanding and easier maintenance of the program you can add these sections for example I have one men unit and different subunit in my program so this will definitely helpful for understanding the program if I will download the program from the PLC to my PC or computer.

Comments in WinProladder

The comment section is also an important section for the PLC program.  when you will open there.  program unit comment,  network number,  and element comment.

When you will double click on program unit, You will see a popup box will appear for pain You will see a popup box will appear open on your screen. In this popup you can write comment or rename you are main unit and subunits that you have in your PLC program.

You have different numbers of networks in your PLC program for example I have to network in my prayer C program in the first network, I have to write a program about emergency push button and I will write a program for example when I will press the push button of emergency everything should be switched off.  alright I  I write a program in my network number 1 for another operation, I will write program in my second network which is network number 2 so, for better understanding, I will write comment there in the different networks about the purpose of this network’s program.

In the third option, the element comments,  you can write comment and description of every single element,  of your inputs and outputs of the PLC. For better understanding you can also add the comment and description of the memory is you use in your program the timers, counters, registers, data registers, and for every single element.

These are some basic information that you should before using WinProladder software, for Fatek PLC programming.

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