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Types of Officials Arduino Board

As i said before, there are many types of arduino boards available. Each with its own design, size and features that can support different applications. For example, the arduino mega board provides more input and output pins compared to uno. On the other hand, the ardunio nano is very small in size another nice example is the lilypad arduino that is used for all kind of wearables projects and more. With low power consumption. Now, of course there are more boards, let's see the official in the arduino site a just entered to the arduino official site as we saw before, now under "products" category you will get some nice summary of all available official arduino products, and you can browse between them and see additional info on each one of them.

For example, if will click on "arduino mega" then i can see the board itself some explanation about the features on that board, some projects that other people created using this board the technical spec, some documentation and additional info that i can use to understand if this is the board that i would like to use, if i will go back present the lilypad arduino usb, as i explained this is more used for wearable projects.

You can see that over here, it is pretty small form factor board with all kinds of features and capabilities, you can see that the operational voltage is lower. You can download the documentation and see some additional information related to that board. As i said this is the official boards, for each board we can search that and find also compatible board, that are doing the same, but this is good place to see the possibilities and options under the arduino "products"

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