In this article we will learn how we can stop the allen bradley variable frequency drive (vfd) from different methods. There are two most common ways to stop the allen bradley variable frequency drive (vfd). Ramp stop and coast stop methods. You know what is ramp stop method? Let me show you below the picture of ramp stop method.
If your drive is running and you need to stop it with ramp method, allen bradley variable frequency drive (vfd) will stop according to deceleration time. Not immediately it will stop bit this will take time to stop as per your setting of deceleration time. If your drive is running and you press stop, allen bradley variable frequency drive (vfd) will stop slowly slowly. That is known as ramp stop method.
The other one method to stop the allen bradley variable frequency drive (vfd) is coast stop method. In which the drive will respond, will shut off, will stop immediately but the motor will keep on running and will stop by its own inertia. So by default, the drive is in ramp stop.That is defined in parameter 107. Please watch this video tutorial below for practical demonstration of how to stop allen bradley variable frequency drive (vfd).
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